Seven Keys Lodge Key Collection

The Seven Keys Lodge (formerly the Baldpate Inn) boasts the world’s largest key collection, housed in a quaint, historic inn tucked above the Estes Valley. This funky collection of over 20,000 keys includes exotics such as the keys to Westminster Abbey and Mozart’s wine cellar, plus thousands of keys from locations around the globe.  Houses in Toledo, gates in Australia, dungeons in Europe…

The White House declined to donate a key (you can view the signed letter from the President), but there is a key to the Pentagon (uh, that’s not disconcerting at all.  Just national security and whatnot…)!

The keys, organized by location, cover virtually every surface of The Key Room, and you can get lost for a long time reading about each one.

There is no admission charge, but while you’re at the Seven Keys, you owe it to yourself to eat at one of the best restaurants around.

Contact The Seven Keys Lodge Key Collection

4900 S Hwy 7
Estes Park, CO 80517
(970) 586-KEYS (5397)

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