Jobs in Estes Park

Jobs in Estes Park

Jobs in Estes Park are easy to come by, but the majority of jobs are seasonal, low-wage positions in the tourism industry.  Full time, year round employment outside the tourism industry is available, but jobs like that are much harder to come by.

The majority of jobs in Estes Park are provided by the following entities:

Cheley Colorado Camps
Eagle Rock School
Estes Park Health
Estes Valley Recreation & Park District
Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center
Harmony Foundation
Park School District R-3
Rocky Mountain National Park
Safeway Food & Drug
Town of Estes Park
Xanterra Parks & Resorts
YMCA of the Rockies

For job hunting, first check the websites above directly.

Second, check the two newspapers in town, The Estes Park News and the Estes Park Trail-Gazette, both of whom have online classifieds.

Many seasonal jobs in Estes Park (and other cool places) are also listed at

Some of the larger employers and hotel chains provide low-cost housing as an employee benefit to help offset the cost of living in Estes Park. That’s the trouble with living here–most jobs aren’t high paying, and housing can be hard to come by. But if you can find a job that provides housing, it’s a great way to live and work in Estes Park!

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